YouTube views hmmmm?

Hi everyone!
I have an not ordinary question. I saw my blog pysznydesign have 836 views from youtube and maybe you guys know that someone tag me in some video ? It’s really intresting for me so I would like to know :D
Please let me know <3

Cześć wszystkim!
Mam niecodzienne pytanie. Zauważyłem że mój blog pysznydesign ma 836 wyświetleń z youtube i może wy wiecie czy ktoś mnie oznaczył w jakimś video  ? Jest to bardzo interesujące i chciałbym to wiedzieć :D
Dajcie mi znać <3


  1. Wiem tylko że w jednym ze swoich buildów mówiła o tobie Pandorama z SimsWeek :)

    1. Dziękuje bardzo za informacje :D Nie spodziewałem się przyznam szczerze :D

  2. That is really fun the views are just amazing about 'hmmm'. It has now become trend to use this word in normal conversation and really i often use it too.

  3. My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this to anyone who needs help.


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