Los Feliz Kitchen *NEW SET*
Hello everyone!
Finally that day arrived my next kitchen is finished! Los Feliz Kitchen is very contemporary and with modern design. It took over a month to finish it and beside what I told with my last kitchen that I will start make more kitchens I understand that this is very hard work and I don't know when I will make another one even though I have my Country Kitchen in projects folder with 41 objects but my brain hurts to much to finish it. For now I will leave making kitchens and start making another rooms we will see in future. This set contains 23 new objects to The Sims 4, and I think this is my best kitchen so far. I'm even more proud of it because I made my first coffee machine and microwave and textures are 100% hand painted by me. I hope you like it too and enjoy and have fun ^_^
Cześć wszytskim!
W końcu ten nadszedł i moja kolejna kuchnia jest skończna. Kuchnia Los Feliz jest bardzo współczesna i z modernistycznym wyglądem. Kuchnia ta zajęła mi ponad miesiąc by ją zrobić i mimo tego co mówiłem w mojej ostatniej kuchni że zacznę ich robić więcej zrozumiałem że jest to bardzo ciężka praca i nie wiem kiedy zrobię następną mimo że mam Wiejską Kuchnie w moim folderze z projektami która ma 41 obiektów ale mój mózg boli za bardzo by ją dokończyć. Na razie zostawię kuchnie i zacznę robić inne pomieszczenia, zobaczymy w przyszłości. Zestaw ten zawiera 23 nowe obiekty do The Sims 4, i uważam że to moja najlepsza kuchnia. Jestem nawet bardziej dumny że stworzyłem swoją pierwsza mikrofalówkę i ekspres do kawy i tekstury są 100% narysowane prze ze mnie. Mam nadzieje że się podoba i dobrej zabawy ^_^
Finally that day arrived my next kitchen is finished! Los Feliz Kitchen is very contemporary and with modern design. It took over a month to finish it and beside what I told with my last kitchen that I will start make more kitchens I understand that this is very hard work and I don't know when I will make another one even though I have my Country Kitchen in projects folder with 41 objects but my brain hurts to much to finish it. For now I will leave making kitchens and start making another rooms we will see in future. This set contains 23 new objects to The Sims 4, and I think this is my best kitchen so far. I'm even more proud of it because I made my first coffee machine and microwave and textures are 100% hand painted by me. I hope you like it too and enjoy and have fun ^_^
Cześć wszytskim!
W końcu ten nadszedł i moja kolejna kuchnia jest skończna. Kuchnia Los Feliz jest bardzo współczesna i z modernistycznym wyglądem. Kuchnia ta zajęła mi ponad miesiąc by ją zrobić i mimo tego co mówiłem w mojej ostatniej kuchni że zacznę ich robić więcej zrozumiałem że jest to bardzo ciężka praca i nie wiem kiedy zrobię następną mimo że mam Wiejską Kuchnie w moim folderze z projektami która ma 41 obiektów ale mój mózg boli za bardzo by ją dokończyć. Na razie zostawię kuchnie i zacznę robić inne pomieszczenia, zobaczymy w przyszłości. Zestaw ten zawiera 23 nowe obiekty do The Sims 4, i uważam że to moja najlepsza kuchnia. Jestem nawet bardziej dumny że stworzyłem swoją pierwsza mikrofalówkę i ekspres do kawy i tekstury są 100% narysowane prze ze mnie. Mam nadzieje że się podoba i dobrej zabawy ^_^
Set contains:
- Bar ( cost: 600$ )
Poly count ( High 1 346 / Low 959 )
Poly count ( High 1 346 / Low 959 )
- Barstool (cost: 45$ )
Poly count ( High 426 / Low 306 )
- Bowls (cost: 1$ )
Poly count ( High 446 / Low 262 )
- Cabinet (cost: 100$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 162 )
- White Callas (cost: 1$ )
Poly count ( High 651 / Low 439 )
- Coffee Machine (cost: 155$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 569 )
- Counters ( cost: 150$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 198 )
- Dish rack ( cost: 45$ )
Poly count ( High 992 / Low 532 )
- Dishwasher (cost: 500$ )
Poly count ( High 816 / Low 601 )
- Kitchen Hood (cost: 150$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 130 )
- Counter Island (cost: 150$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 196 )
- Microwave (cost: 470$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 458 )
- Kitchen Nook Low/High (cost: 100$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 206 )
- Plates (cost: 1$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 212 )
- Refrigirator (cost: 375$ )
Poly count ( High 698 / Low 222 )
- Shelf (cost: 45$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 30 )
- Sink ( cost: 100$ )
Poly count ( High 348 / Low 237 )
- Sink Counter (cost: 200$ )
Poly count ( High 544 / Low 384 )
- Stove (cost: 550$ )
Poly count ( High 1 450 / Low 1 171 )
- Vase (cost: 1$ )
Poly count ( High 567 / Low 353 )
W końcu! <3 CUDOWNOŚCI.
ReplyDeleteI love it! I just don't love the adfly, can't download it :(
ReplyDeleteSame here. I wish Adfly would not be used anymore. :S Why not create a Patreon page instead for the wonderful sets here like a donation for early access etc. :)
DeleteWell " Anonymous " Then It Will Be Unfair To People Who Don't Have Monty To But Stuff Like That..
DeleteBut giving people viruses is fair???
DeleteWinter Moon-so the adfly opening up a page with graphic p*rn on it in front of my 6yr old daughter whilst attempting to download this is fair? Moron.
Deletemine doesn't even let me download it
DeleteYou are amazing! :D
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! You did an awesome job!!!
ReplyDeleteHello! I've got a problem with ur kitchen..
ReplyDeleteI loved it sooo much, but its not showing on my game :(
I downloaded it, put it on the Mods file, and It doesn't wor.. help me please!!!
I want to use it sooooo bad!
E-mail me, pls!
What version of The Sims 4 are you running?
DeleteHi there! :D This kitchen is amazing, I love it! But I see the corner cabinet's texture is broken and I cannot use it. :( If you could do something about it when you have the time, it would be amazing. <3 Thank you so much for creating this content!
ReplyDeleteLove it so so much but can't dl it either because of ad fly and my anti virus blocks it :(
ReplyDeleteWhat an absolutely gorgeous kitchen - thank you so much :D
ReplyDeleteYour site shows as blank - because of my adblockers.
ReplyDeleteIf I use another browser, I can see your posts, but -
it tries to infect my PC,
and my antivirus software blocks it,
but another window from that scammer program pops up anyway.
I really loved your work, and miss it, but I can't visit your site anymore because of this.
And why I had to stop for months, before.
I don't have this issue with most other CC sites.
This makes me sad I still can't safely use your site. :(
Your CC is quite pretty...
Hi, it says the site can't be reached when I click the download link
ReplyDeleteIs your browser updated? (Not sure what you are using... I use Chrome). I did check both links and both are working - MediaFire and Mega.
DeleteCzy koszty twojego rachunku są zbyt wysokie? Uwielbiam twój styl wyświetlania kuchni, ale nie mam pieniędzy, aby to zrobić!
ReplyDeleteWould you ever consider setting up a Patreon account? I would gladly donate to be able to download your items free of ads. Unfortunately at the moment I don't find downloading worth it if the risk is getting a virus. Thanks!
ReplyDeletelove your designs Thank you while the AdFly is a pain in the bum but i guess you have not found a better solution. I just want to Thank you for your work
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful but I can't download it because of the adf.ly link, it keeps bringing me from spammy site to spammy site without bringing me to the download. I tried several times but I really don't want to get a virus.
ReplyDeleteVery good work I wish I could download it.
The adfly link is causing me issues too. I can't download the set either.
ReplyDeleteI'm 15 years old. I was born with HIV my mother passed away because of the HIV infection And I regret why i never met Dr Itua he could have cured my mum for me because as a single mother it was very hard for my mother I came across Dr itua healing words online about how he cure different disease in different races diseases like HIV/Aids Herpes,Parkison,Asthma,Copd,Epilepsy,Shingles,Cold Sore,Infertility, Chronic Fatigues Syndrome,Fibromyalgia,Love Spell,Prostate Cancer,Lung Cancer,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
ReplyDeleteDementia.,Tach Disease,Breast Cancer,Blood Cancer,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Love Spell,Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Weak Erection,Breast Enlargment,Penis Enlargment,Hpv,measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria)Diabetes Hepatitis even Cancer I was so excited but frighten at same time because I haven't come across such thing article online then I contacted Dr Itua on Mail drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com/ . I also chat with him on what's app +2348149277967 he tells me how it works then I tell him I want to proceed I paid him so swiftly Colorado post office I receive my herbal medicine within 4/5 working days he gave me guild lines to follow and here am I living healthy again can imagine how god use men to manifest his works am I writing in all articles online to spread the god work of Dr Itua Herbal Medicine,He's a Great Man.
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love your design but adfly almost murdered my laptop, here's the link for anyone who doesnt want to risk viruses. https://www.mediafire.com/file/mwmf5j8pc921jhd/Los+Feliz+Kitchen.zip
ReplyDeleteThanks! I have issues downloading it too, your lnk saved me haha
Deleteur a saint
Deletehere yall go, through three entire layers of adfly: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mwmf5j8pc921jhd/Los_Feliz_Kitchen.zip/file
ReplyDeleteThank you!!
DeleteYeah the adfly for some reason is not bringing up the download page when I press 'Continue', I have to reload and do it around 5 times (waiting each time) before it will work. Adfly never used to be so bad! Does anyone know if this amazing kitchen is updated and working now? Thaks xx
Deletethis is the direct link and the kitchen works perfectly xx
so many ads. i cant down your cc after i see so many ads,????
ReplyDeleteDo you have another link for download because every time I try, addfly wants me to allow something and if I do it I allow popups on my chrome and I won't do that but at the same time, I really want your beautiful kitchen
ReplyDeleteAs beautiful as this set is, unfortunately I'm going to have to pass due to the usage of Adfly. I refuse to infect my computer with viruses. There are plenty of other creators out there who release incredible content without feeling as if they need to hide it behind an ad wall, and those are the ones who deserve the support.
ReplyDeleteTry the extension "Universal Bypass". It always saves my ass.
DeleteGAH! You're so awesome. Thank you so much.
ReplyDeletewhen i went to download it the adfly did not work
ReplyDeleteyour adfly link tells me to allow notifications, which im not doing because many people have reported getting malware from it. i would love to download your content, i would donate to you for your time if I had a way to do so, but i cannot risk my computer for content. i hope you understand and add a nonadfly version
ReplyDeleteVery nice house!
ReplyDeleteomg! this is beautiful and I want it really bad, but I don't appreciate creators that use adfly. It is awful and shows porn ads and nudity, and it gives you viruses. I understand that you need money and that you put a lot of effort into it, but please don't use adfly. Set up a patreon instead.
ReplyDeletei've used adfly before and usually don't mind cause in the end i get the content and the creators get money. but it's not pulling up the download page for me on both download links :(
ReplyDeletecudownie wyszło!
ReplyDeleteWygląda troche jak w simsach :)
Apalagi dengan kualitas pelayanan yang terbaik performa para pemain juga meningkat. Lantaran ketika sulit ada layanan yang siap sedia membantu anda kapanpun waktunya.
Dan walaupun anda mengalami kesulitan bisa langsung menghubungi layanan online berupa live chat. Yang mana layanannya diberikan dalam bentuk support agent yang menghadirkan kontak chatting lainnya, seperti whatsapp dan LINE.
Bardzo ciekawy layout kuchni. Jeden z ciekawszych. Konstrukcja kuchni jest bardzo istotna dla późniejszego funkcjonowania w domu. Trzeba się przyłożyć.
ReplyDeleteJestem pewny na 100 procent że na pewno bardzo dużo osób tym artykułem się zainteresuje. Sam ten artykuł bardzo dokładnie przeczytałem.
ReplyDeleteGuys, if you download an adfly-blocker there should be no weird things popping up.
ReplyDeleteJust when I thought I had to many kitchens this one beats them all. I LOVE this. Thank you so very much.
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ReplyDelete"The new set for the Los Feliz kitchen looks amazing! Love how fresh and stylish it feels. Can’t wait to see how it all comes together!"
ReplyDeleteThis Los Feliz Kitchen set is absolutely stunning! The design feels modern yet cozy, with such attention to detail in the textures and color choices. It’s incredible how much life custom content can bring to The Sims, making virtual homes feel so real and stylish. It actually inspires real-world design ideas too! If anyone is thinking of updating their own kitchen or home, R for Remodelers is a fantastic option. They specialize in creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to your vision. Thanks for sharing this amazing set—can’t wait to see more!