Foster Kitchen *NEW SET*

Hello everyone!

Becasue I reached 4k Followers on Tumbrl I decided I will make set to celebrte that and I decided I will kitchen. It's very simple, modern looking kitchen. Set contains 17 objects are they are mostly counters , appliances and sinks. I'n very proud of this set becuase every texture is made by me, all the tiles and details are 100% made by me if you want them as a file to use them in your creations let me know I will publish them. This kitchen is perfect for a large home but is also for very small houses and also prices arent big so your sim can affort it at the begging ;) I hope you like this set and enjoy ;)

Cześć wszytskim!

Ponieważ osiągnąłem 4tys obserwujących na Tumblrze zdecydowałem że zrobię zestaw by to uczcić I stwierdziłem że zrobię kuchnię. Kuchnia jest bardzo prosta i nowocześnie wyglądająca.  Zestaw zawiera 17 obiektów i są to głównie szafki, urządzenia i zlewy. Tym bardziej jestem dumny z tego zestawu ponieważ każda tekstura jest stworzona przeze mnie, wszystkie kafelki i detale są 100% stworzone przeze mnie jeżeli chcecie je jako pliki by użyć ich do swoich projektów dajcie mi znać to je opublikuje. Kuchnia ta jest idealna do dużych domów ale również do bardzo małych mieszkań ale również ceny nie są zawyżone więc wasz sim może sobie na nie pozwolić na początku ;) Mam nadzieje że się podoba ;)

NOTE: If you wnat to place backspalsh higher you need to turn on moveObjects on by pressing Shift + Ctrl + C and type in console bb.moveObjects on!
I will updated this problem later because I need to figure out how to do it.

 Set contains:
 - Backsplash ( cost: 1$ )
- Chopping Board (cost: 105$ )
Poly count ( High 606 / Low 356 )
- Cabinet, Cabinet Left (cost: 240$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 148 )
- Cabinet Right (cost: 240$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 178 )
- Counter 2, Counter 2 Wood (cost: 150$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 410 )
- Counter, Counter Wood (cost: 150$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 321 )
- Dishwasher ( cost: 645$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 962 )
- Fridge (cost: 2600$ )
Poly count ( High 1 095 / Low 354 )
- Counter Island, Counter Island Wood (cost: 150$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 333 )
- Sink Left & Right (cost: 195$ )
Poly count ( High 374 / Low 280 )
- Sink  (cost: 335$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 532 )
- Stove (cost: 400$ )
Poly count ( High/Low 838 )


  1. OMG i love all your Creations...thank you so much for sharing ♥♥♥

  2. Replies
    1. I was getting ready to send you this link lol!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Planuję zbudować kuchnię, czy możesz mi zaproponować jakieś pomysły? Moja kuchnia ma tylko 30 metrów kwadratowych

  5. it looks really awesome but i can't download it because adfly want me to enable notifications and i dont wanna do that, can you make a link to simfileshare or something without adfly : ))

  6. why? Why why why do you have to use adfly? why can't you set up a patreon? so many people (including me) can't download your cc because of STUPID adfly!


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  9. Since I reached 4,000 followers on Tumblr, I decided to make a set to celebrate and decided to make a kitchen. The kitchen is very simple and modern looking.
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  12. The Foster Kitchen set is simply gorgeous! The balance of clean lines, warm textures, and modern design creates such an inviting and stylish atmosphere in-game. It’s amazing how much thought and detail goes into each piece—from the cabinetry to the counters and appliances. This kind of design really sparks inspiration for real-life renovations too. If you're thinking about transforming your actual kitchen space, R for Remodelers is a fantastic team to consider. They specialize in turning creative ideas into beautiful, functional living spaces. This post is not only visually stunning but also incredibly inspiring. Keep up the great work—your content continues to impress and inspire!


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