Los Feliz Kitchen *NEW SET*

Hello everyone! Finally that day arrived my next kitchen is finished! Los Feliz Kitchen is very contemporary and with modern design. It took over a month to finish it and beside what I told with my last kitchen that I will start make more kitchens I understand that this is very hard work and I don't know when I will make another one even though I have my Country Kitchen in projects folder with 41 objects but my brain hurts to much to finish it. For now I will leave making kitchens and start making another rooms we will see in future. This set contains 23 new objects to The Sims 4, and I think this is my best kitchen so far. I'm even more proud of it because I made my first coffee machine and microwave and textures are 100% hand painted by me. I hope you like it too and enjoy and have fun ^_^ Cześć wszytskim! W końcu ten nadszedł i moja kolejna kuchnia jest skończna. Kuchnia Los Feliz jest bardzo współczesna i z modernistycznym wyglądem. Kuchnia ta zajęła mi ponad miesiąc ...