Barbecue Time - FINALLY!

Hello everyone! After a long long time I'm back with new set. You probably wondering why it took me so long and the reason is because at my work in summer time I have a lot of work and I was tired as hell. I didn't have time to do anything and also I was in renovation process of my kitchen which also took a lot time but I'm back back back again. This set isn't really big it contains 15 objects which are perfect for everyone garden. I started with bar which I saw in interent and I couldn't pass this without creating it. At first I wanted to publish only bar but that was to easy to do so I based whole set about it. I hope you like it. Oh and one thing more I also create wood palette for this set and it be available to download without adfly so feel free to use it but don't forget do mention me when you using my stuff ;) Cześć wszytskim! Po bardzo długiej przerwie wróciłem z nowym zestawem. Pewnie zastanawiacie się czemu zajęło mi to tak długo a powodem jest że...