Baltimore Kitchen *UPDATED*

After a few months of hard working, fixing bugs and fighting with texture I can give you Baltimore Kitchen! The reason why it took me so long to finish it is I have a lot breakdowns. I had a lot of errors, bugs that I wanted to leave that project. The set not contain so many objects as I said at first but I want to make part 2 of this set with more appliances and objects I hope I will make it in this month ;) So Baltimore Kitchen is very modern and minimalistic kitchen that almost fit to every interior you want to make. It also fit to large home and to very small flat. It's perfect for those who like to order where they coking thanks to big space in counters and cabinet that allows you to keep everything you need from knifes to large pots. I hope you like it and enjoy ^_^ Po paru miesiącach ciężkiej pracy, naprawianiu błędów i walczeniu z teksturami daje wam Baltimore Kitchen! Powodem dlaczego zajęło mi to tyle czasu jest to że miałem wiele załamań. Miałem dużo błędów przez co ...