
Showing posts from 2012

*REKRUTACJA* - Na admina forum - ZAKOŃCZONE

REKRUTACJA ZAKOŃCZONA!  Witajcie drodzy czytelnicy! Na początku chciałbym was bardzo przeprosić za to że ostatnio nic nowego nie stworzyłem na bloga lecz mam dużo na głowie, ale niedługo na moim fanpejdżu na facebooku pojawi się pewna niespodzianka z której mam nadzieje będzie zadowoleni :D Na razie nie zdradzę wam co to jest więc lukajcie od czasu do czasu na facebooka i wyszukujcie wpisu z niespodzianka :D A teraz do rzeczy, moje zaprzyjaźnione forum z którym jestem związany od początku jego powstania szuka nowego admina! Obecnie głównym administratorem jest moja przyjaciółka Dahlia, niestety jest ona sama i ciężko jest jej pogodzić obowiązki z przebywaniem i sprzątaniem na forum, więc poprosiła mnie abym zapytał was czy może któryś z was nie chciałby jej pomóc. Więc jeśli masz czas, umiesz pracować w grupie, jesteś kreatywny i masz zapał do pracy zgłoś się do niej i przedstaw się, mniemy nadzieje że rozpatrzy twój wniosek pozytywnie i staniesz się częścią z...

Cake Mania - Gift from pyszny

Hi :) For o long time I didn't make anything new so I decided to create this set when I reached 200k views of my blog ^^ So now when is under 200k views and I wanna sorry for late because just like I said on my facebook account I haven't have so much time to make anything :) And I wanna thank you for that you are with me. Without you guys I am nothing :) Thank you all again from inside my hearth and enjoy the set :) WARRING! CAKES HAVE 3 ANNOYING ERRORS WHICH FOR NOW I CAN'T FIX AN THIS IS: FLAMES ARE INSIDE CAKE, SMOKE COMES FROM INSIDE CAKE, AND WHEN SIM TAKE PIECE OF CAKE ON HIS PLATE STILL IS OLD PART OF CAKE! CAKES WORKS AS LIKE BIRTHDAYS CAKE! CAKES ARE COMPATIBILE WITH PETS AND PATCH 1.26! Set includes: Owl Cake Panda Cake Cake With Bow CREATE WITH BLENDER, MILKSHAPE, PHOTOSHOP, WINGS 3D AND TSR WORKSHOP! DOWNLOAD: sims3pack, package Mediafire 4shared

Dano Bathroom

I had really, really long breake from making objetcs to my blog :) So finally I decide to finish bathroom :D I started it in November 2011 XD So I've made it really log time :D But now you can download it :P ENJOY <3 BATHROOM IS COMPATIBILE WITH PETS AND PATCH 1.26! Set includes: Toilet Bidet Paper Roll Toilet Brush Shower Bathtub Sink Hamper (Ambitions required) Mirror Wall Lamp Toilet Table Radiator POLYGON COUNT! CREATE WITH BLENDER, MILKSHAPE, PHOTOSHOP, WINGS 3D AND TSR WORKSHOP! Bathroom have  two recolorable channel!  DOWNLOAD: sims3pack, package Mediafire 4shared COUPLE DESINGS  

New sim model

I've made new sim model :P She's the best one... I never thought I can made such a pretty sim *.* Here I ive couple of pics with her :P What do you think about her? :) Maybe someone of you want her in your game :P I will be using her to previews of my upcoming sets ;)

Big favour...

I'm writing to all my visitors and to all what they downloaded my oldest creation. I'm goint to fix my all old links but I don't couple of my creation what I've made . I will be really happy if someone of you have them still in your games. Here is the list of wich sets I don't have: - Lady Gaga Pose Set - Pose set 002  (fixed) - Bad Girls - Pose Set - Anna Dining - Laluna Dining - Valentine's day earrings If someone of you have one of this set please send it to me on my e-mail. I will be really grateful :3 Big kiss <3


Hi everyone Recently I'm a Featured Artist on TSR so from now the lot of my stuff will be available to subscribers only. I had personal reasons to take such a decision so please don't judge me. I want to add that all the free CC I'll publish on my blog. I wanna thank all people who follow my blog I really love you guys <3