Atelier Kitchen *NEW SET*

Hello! After a long break from creating I'm back with new set. I hade some problems in my private life and I felt really down , like I had depresion but I said to myself no one will do this for you so get yourself together and do what you love to do! So I want you present my new set Atelier Kitchen! Set include 14 objects thanks to design and colors they fit almost to every interior. I had a lot of work with switches because there is 6 counter top switches and 5 counter switches so that menas counters have 30 switches expect cabinet, fridge and high stove. Set have scandinavian touch and minimalistic/modern look you can make compact kitchen with it or a big one for a really big familly. I hope you like it and I have in plans more kitchens even when it's nightmare to make them but it's worth the price :D Enjoy it ^_^ Witam! Po bardzo długiej przerwie od tworzenia wracam z nowym zestawem. Miałem pare probleów w moim prywatnym życiu i czułem bardzo źle tak jakbym miał depr...