Hi guys! I know someone of you could be angry for me or something, I understand that but please try too understand me too. It's hard for me to connect my work, school and diffrent activites but I'm really trying. I know also it's been a long time since last post but I want you to know that I decided to start creating on blog again. And for last few weeks I have learnt how to make shoes and first object which I'm gonna share with you is simple traineres. I made it because mesh wasn't so hard to make. In future I'm gonna to try with more dificult meshes but for now I'm really happy that I've made this one. Here I give you little preview of what I'm doing. I whish you like it. Tomorrow or for 2 days trainers should be available on my blog and tumblr. And once again I'm really sorry. I love you all. Oh and one thing more, if some of my old creation dosen't work please send me information about that and I'm gonna try to fix it. See y...